Monday, July 30, 2007

Articles for Church Officers

Ordained Servant: A Journal for Church Officers is sponsored by the Committee on Christian Education of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and provides brief, theologically erudite, and helpful articles which are particularly designed for elders and deacons of local churches. Though the articles originate within the Reformed context, many have much wider application and would be helpful to church leaders from all traditions. Articles encompass Servant Thoughts, Servant Realms, Servant Word, Servant Worship, Servant Heart, Servant Work, Servant World, Servant History, and Servant Reading. The journal is published monthly online and is available at, though a printed edition is made available annually. All of the 53 back issues from the birth of the journal through the present are available free online. Though copyright laws apply, interested parties are invited to obtain permission to reproduce material found in the publication by writing to the editor.